Fale Dojo Exhibition #4 took place on the 16th of November 2019. The event was complemented with the Dojo’s first Night Market that offered an assortment of food, as well as merchandise provided by Silver Lion Sports.
The event began with Fale Dojo General Manager/Coach Mark Tui welcoming the audience and giving a brief background of the Dojo’s beginnings from 2016 up to its present state. Tui conveyed apologies from Fale Dojo founder and Head Trainer Toks ‘Bad Luck’ Fale who was competing overseas at the New Japan Pro Wrestling’s 2019 World Tag League tournament. Tui then introduced Fale Dojo Head Trainer, Tony Kozina.
Kozina described how the Exhibition event would unfold: “Professional wrestling, the way it’s supposed to be, is not an act; it’s a reaction,” said Kozina. “It’s no different than real life. So the idea things are choreographed is thrown out the window.”
Kozina had in possession a hat and inside were names of the young lions written on pieces of paper.
“Tonight, the audience is going to choose the matches,” Kozina revealed. “So these guys at the back, they don’t know who they’re going to wrestle. We’re going to show you how professional wrestling is done.”
Kozina invited the young lions to ringside, and as they stood, the concept began as Kozina walked into the audience where he chose two random people to draw a name out of the hat to start the opening match. This process was repeated for every other match. The main event was excluded from this process; Patrick Schischka and Liam Fury versus Michael Richards and Andrew Villalobos was the only match that was booked in advance.
Michael Richards (Auckland, NZ) vs. Richard Mulu (South Auckland, NZ):

Credit: Tafu Give
Referee Lloyd Morgan had his hands full as the official of seven matches. As the opening bell rang, Michael Richards immediately marched from his corner to the opposite end and slapped Richard Mulu, demonstrating the chain of command between himself, the silver lion graduate, and Mulu the student. The two locked up in an aggressive manner, Mulu backed Richards into the corner where Morgan intervened and broke up the intensity. Mulu then slapped Richards. “Silver lion?” shouted Mulu at his elder. The two locked up again, Richards gripped Mulu into a headlock, however, Mulu used his strength to counter the hold into a mighty waist lock takedown slam.
“Let’s go silver lion,” said Mulu. The experienced Richards kicked Mulu in the gut and reapplied the headlock. Mulu elbowed his way out of the hold, then dared Richards to run against the ropes and hit him with a shoulder barge to which Richards complied, twice! Mulu tricked his Richards into doing it a third time, which he did again, only for Mulu to drop him with a back elbow. Richards on his feet while in the corner, and as Mulu approached him, Richards fended off Mulu with a kick and a few forearm shots. Although Richards was an intense striker, he was no match for Mulu’s power, who retaliated with a single forearm shot that dropped Richards like a sack of potatoes.
On several occasions, Mulu attempted to gain a pinfall on Richards, but could only get as far as the two count. Frustrated that he couldn’t gain a pitfall, Mulu yelled at the referee Despite being overpowered, Richards insisted on face-to-face combat, yet kept getting dropped by Mulu’s heavy clothesline. Mulu executed a massive body slam which he followed up with a leg drop. Mulu tried for another pinfall, but the fighting spirit in Richards was the only thing that could match Mulu’s power. Mulu then picked up Richards for a second bodyslam, but as Mulu went to lift his opponent, the experienced Richards turned the move into a small package. Referee Morgan counted to three, and Michael Richards secured the win.
Winner: Michael Richards
Patrick Schischka (West Auckland, NZ) vs. Mark Tui (Auckland, NZ):

Credit: Tafu Give
Prior to the match, Mark Tui voiced his displeasure about being selected to wrestle. He reluctantly agreed but not before tricking Patrick Schischka into having a posedown competition which took place standing on the middle turnbuckle. Tui used it as a ploy to sneak up behind Schischka during his pose to hit him with a cheap shot. Lloyd Morgan then called for the bell to start the match. The bout told an excellent story of the striker versus the grappler with Tui’s background in amateur boxing, and Schischka’s experience in amateur wrestling. Schischka retaliated with some forearm shots and then utilised his skills to ground Tui who reacted humbled. Tui took advantage of Schischka’s good sportsmanship and kicked him to the gut then followed up with several devastating strikes. Tui screamed and berated Schischka while on the attack, then turned his attention to celebrate with the crowd although the people did not share his joy.
Schischka fought back with his own strikes and chops and proceeded to pick Tui up for a bodyslam, however, Tui leaned in which forced Schischka to lose his balance and fall backward. Tui stayed on top to try and get a pinfall, but Schischka lifted his shoulders at the two count. Tui backed Schischka into the corner and executed a chop that sent the West Aucklander to the mat. “Come on, silver lion!” shouted Tui.
Tui continued his unlawful assault as he choked Schischka on the middle rope. Schischka retaliated with a boot and forearm shots. Schischka found his newfound energy (and rage) and dropped Tui with the clothesline after swinging him against the ropes. Schischka stomped on Tui as Tui screamed in pain. Schischka then hit an elbow drop and followed up with a pinfall attempt, however, Tui kicked out at the two count. Schischka was confident that he could suplex Tui, but, Tui blocked the attempt and reversed the hold on the silver lion. Tui rolled over to cover Schischka for the pinfall but failed when Schischka kicked out before the three count. “It’s because I’m brown,” screamed Tui at the referee accusing him of being biased although that was not the case. Tui decided he had enough, he picked up Schischka and executed a hangman neckbreaker. Tui covered Schischka for the last time as the referee counted to three. Tui, not so modest in victory, laughed and demanded that the referee raise his hand.
Winner: Mark Tui
Jordan Allan-Wright (Auckland, NZ) vs. Oskar Münchow (Hamburg, Germany):

Credit: Tafu Give
This matchup pitted the fearless Jordan Allan-Wright an aspiring Junior Heavyweight against the 6 foot 5, Oskar Münchow from Hamburg, Germany. The intensity of this contest was high from start to finish. The two opponents engaged in a battle of war cries before locking up. Wright the elder drove the young Münchow into the corner, neither was willing to back down so Lloyd Morgan stepped in to release contact. The two locked up again, this time resulting in Münchow driving Wright into the corner. Münchow began trash talking in his native tongue. Wright retaliated with a succession of strikes though it didn’t affect Münchow. Münchow answered by tossing Wright high up in the air and landing in the opposite corner. Münchow shouted out another war cry.
The two young lions again locked up for the third time, Münchow lifted his knee and hit Wright’s gut. Münchow then Irish whipped Wright into the corner turnbuckle, as Wright felt the impact of his back hitting the corner, Münchow charged in with a vicious clothesline. Münchow proceeded to pick up Wright and threw him down with a gigantic body slam. Münchow went for a pinfall, but the courageous Wright kicked out in spite of being in excruciating pain. Münchow screamed at the referer for what he believed to be a slow count. Nonetheless, Morgan stood his ground. Münchow applied a camel clutch to Wright in the centre of the ring. Wright had the support of the audience behind him, this motivated him to crawl his way to the ropes which forced Münchow to release the submission hold to the audience’s relief. As Wright slowly climbed up to one knee, Münchow greeted him with a clubbing forearm to the back. Wright returned a forearm shot of his own. Wright, now back in a vertical stance engaged with his bully in an intense exchange of chops, Münchow, however, realised Wright’s incredible heart, broke the exchange and wrapped his giant hands around Wright in a chokehold. Münchow attempted a bodyslam, but as he held Wright in the air, the savvy smaller lion hopped off behind and rolled up the towering German into a schoolboy pinfall attempt. Wright laid into Münchow with roaring forearm shots. Wright then swung Münchow into the corner turnbuckle but as he rushed into throw a clothesline, Münchow raised his gigantic boot hitting his Wright’s face.
Münchow delivered a clubbing forearm to Wright’s back, a homage to his hero Stan ‘The Lariat’ Hansen. But Wright showed his heart and threw some intense forearm shots that rocked the big man. Wright swung Münchow against the ropes, as Münchow bounced back, Wright dropped him with a clothesline. Münchow used the ropes near the corner for leverage to get back on his feet and Wright charged in with another clothesline forcing Münchow up against the corner. Münchow got up on one knee but was met with Jordan’s boot.
Wright prepared Münchow into a suplex position. Münchow attempted to block Wright’s bold intention, but to the audience’s excitement, Wright lifted Münchow over and executed the move successfully as Münchow went crashing down. Wright. Fighting exhaustion, Wright rolled over to pin Münchow for the three count, but the German still had enough strength to kick out. Wright attempted to apply the Boston crab, however, Münchow’s legs were too big for Wright to fully apply the hold. Münchow kicked Wright off who went flying across the ring. Münchow picked up Wright for a bodyslam, as Wright was lifted in the air, he slipped behind Münchow and turned his fellow lion around to deliver a bodyslam of his own. Ultimately, Münchow blocked Wright’s attempt, finally lifting the lion in the air. Münchow delivered a Michinoku driver that sat into a pinfall position. Referee Morgan counted to three, giving Oskar Münchow the victory. As Münchow climbed out of the ring he gave one last exhausting war cry to the audience.
Winner: Oskar Münchow
Jake Taylor (Melbourne, Australia) vs. Arthur Papali’i (South Auckland, NZ):

Credit: Tafu Give
Jake Taylor has previously been known to be a brute while his opponent Arthur Papali’i, a member of the Fale Dojo coaching staff, was normally described as a reserved person. However, these two must have recently undergone personality transplants as Papali’i immediately initiated contact when the bell rang. Papali’i walked with purpose to the opposite corner and stared up at the 6 foot 5, Taylor. Papali’i shoved Taylor the young lion. They then engaged in a lock-up, and Taylor pushed Papali’i away. Referee Morgan told the opponents to lock up again which they did. Taylor took Papali’i from behind with a waist lock, but Papali’i broke the hold, throwing a back elbow to his opponent’s chin.
Papali’i became vocal and provoked the larger Taylor while applying a headlock: “Come on you Aussie,” taunted the South Aucklander. Taylor tried to power out of the maneuver, but Papali’i maintained a tight grip. Taylor finally managed to push his opponent off against the ropes. Papali’i charged back and shoulder barged Taylor, however, neither one was affected. Taylor countered Papali’i’s verbal taunts with a remark after having to endure Papali’i’s trash-talking, saying that he thought that Pacific Islanders were supposed to be tough and he wasn’t sure which Pacific culture Papali’i was from. Papali’i reacted by running against the ropes a second time and dropping Taylor to the mat with a clothesline. Furious by Taylor’s remark, Papali’i mauled him with stomps before attempting a pinfall that eventuated to a one count. Still angry, Papali’i mangled Taylor against the turnbuckle and then choked him on the middle rope while he reminded Taylor of the Australian rugby union team’s constant failings to win the Bledisloe Cup from their rivals, the NZ All Blacks. Fortunately, Lloyd Morgan’s five-count warning forced Papali’i to release the illegal hold.
Papali’i dragged Taylor back to the corner where he delivered a knife edge chop and a boot. Papali’i then swung Taylor across the opposite corner, as Papali’i rushed in, Taylor charged forward and clotheslined the troublemaking Papali’i to the mat. Papali’i, still running on his rage, got back up, but to be met with another clothesline. Taylor then threw Papali’i into the corner turnbuckle and attempted to charge into him, but Papali’i skilfully rolled out of the way. As Taylor collided with the turnbuckle pad, Papali’i sped back towards Taylor and connected with a clothesline. Papali’i followed up by throwing the larger Taylor to the middle of the ring.
Papali’i applied an aggressive ground-based sleeper hold which Taylor fought out using some intense elbow strikes and a forearm shot. Taylor sent Papali’i against the ropes, as Papali’i bounced back he was met with a big boot. Papali’i fell flat on his back, and Taylor celebrated along with the audience. Taylor yelled “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie” to which the audience replied “Oi, Oi, Oi”. Papali’i regained control, he multitasked as he threw a combo of strikes while still bad-mouthing Taylor about his Australian heritage. Needless to say, Taylor was oblivious to the shots and screamed, “I forgot to tell you … I’M A QUARTER MAORI!!!” the audience responded in a huge cheer. Taylor picked up Papali’i and delivered an awesome suplex. Taylor covered Papali’i for the pinfall, but he could only get two count. Papali’i, still in pain from the long fall, persisted with his trash talk. He slowly got back up, only to be met with an intense spear as Taylor charged from the corner. Again, Taylor went for a pinfall, but Papali’i’s rage gave him the strength to avoid the three count. After exhausting his pinfall attempts, Taylor decided to apply the Boston crab, not without Papali’i keeping up a solid fight. The crowd cheered hysterically for Taylor to lock in the submission hold which he did so eventually. Papali’i fought tooth and nail to reach the ropes, but Taylor dragged the staunch aggressor back to the centre of the ring and reapplied the hold. Papali’i could no longer hold on, and he tapped out. Jake Taylor let out a ferocious and victorious pukana (a facial expression made while performing the Maori haka) before he exited the ring.
Winner: Jake Taylor
Tag Team Match
Mark Tui & Sam Davis (London, England) vs. Richard Mulu & Jordan Allan-Wright:
This tag team match, as chosen by the fans displayed a very interesting combination of different styles. If anyone benefited from this interaction, it was Sam Davis and Richard Mulu. As the least experienced young lion, Davis was in great company, teaming alongside his coach, Mark Tui who brought with him his experience wrestling with New Japan Pro Wrestling, and Jordan Allan-Wright, also a Fale Dojo coach currently participating in his third intake. Richard Mulu, a member of the Dojo’s general wrestling class has gained a lot of experience having competed at every Exhibition show. Mulu and Tui began the bout for their respective teams and they weren’t shy to talk smack at each other. “I’m not just a pretty face,” said Tui as he tied up Mulu in a wristlock. Mulu kicked Tui to release the hold, then grabbed him in a headlock. “Give up!” shouted Mulu. Tui attempted to get out of the hold utilising his striking ability, but Mulu was impervious to the hard hits. “I could do this all day,” laughed Mulu while controlling the pace with his mighty grip. Tui then navigated his way out of the headlock when he rolled Mulu into a small package pinfall attempt but Mulu kicked out at the count of two.
Tui then tagged out to Sam Davis who was wrestling with an injured shoulder. Mulu acknowledged the switch from Tui to Davis: “My white boy is better than your white boy,” before tagging in Jordan Allan-Wright. Davis grabbed Wright into a headlock, Wright responded by pushing Davis off against the ropes. Mulu from the corner advised Wright to target Davis’ shoulder, to which Wright took note of by applying an arm lock. However, Davis reacted unexpectedly in a vicious manner, dropping Wright with a clothesline and following up with a series of stomps. It seemed like Davis the Londoner had become a protégé of Tui. Davis tagged out to Tui, and while Tui mauled away at Wright, Davis applauded his elder’s actions. Tui tagged Davis back in, as Wright laid on his back. Taking a leg each, Tui and Davis executed a wishbone on Wright as they yanked each leg in the opposite direction.
Wright gained momentum from Mulu’s words while fighting back with forearm shots, but his efforts were short-lived when Davis threw Wright to the mat like a rag doll. “GET YOUR ASS UP!” shouted Mulu from his corner, inspiring words that he has often used in the past to talk smack to his opponents while they’re being pummelled; now used (frustratingly) to motivate his tag partner. Wright took note of Mulu’s words and fended Davis to the mat with an axe kick as Davis charged him after running off against the ropes. Both Davis and Jordan struggled to their separate corners where they tagged out to their partners. Mulu stormed in and dropped Tui with a couple of clotheslines, then followed up with a huge bodyslam. Tui used the ropes in the corner to get back to his feet, and Mulu threw a succession of forearm shots at Tui. Mulu took a few steps back and charged to the corner to attempt an avalanche splash, however, Tui escaped out of harm’s way. As Mulu hit the corner turnbuckle, Tui moved in from behind and rolled up Mulu into a schoolboy pinfall attempt. Tui reached into his boxing arsenal and hit Mulu with a series of strikes, then feeling a little more confident, Tui hit Mulu with a headbutt which did not affect either one. The two Samoans then traded headbutts until Mulu gained the upper hand. Mulu applied a rest hold on Tui, and Davis rushed in the ring and kicked Mulu to break the hold. Mulu wasn’t affected, and Davis retreated to the outside. The distraction allowed for Tui to get up and drop Mulu with a clothesline. Tui signaled to the crowd that the end was near. He attempted to lift up Mulu in a piledriver position, but Mulu threw Tui over into a back body drop. Mulu took down his shoulder straps, picked Tui up over his shoulders, and delivered a powerful running power slam. But when Mulu tried to gain the pinfall, Davis, showing his ‘ride or die’ loyalty to Tui ran in and broke the count. Wright interjected and threw Davis out of the ring to give Mulu a fair advantage. Mulu, again picked up Tui, hoping to execute another power slam. But while Mulu had Tui lying front first on his shoulder, Tui managed to hop off behind, he grabbed Mulu’s arm and took him to the ground while applying a Fujiwara Armbar. Mulu lay on his stomach while Tui leaned into Mulu’s side and shoulder while both his arms locked tightly around Mulu’s arm. Tui gripped the hold like he was holding onto his lunch money, Mulu fought with everything inside him to make his way to the rope. But when Mulu touched the rope, Tui dragged Mulu into the centre of the ring and applied another variation of the arm lock with Mulu laying on his back. Mulu lay in agony, refusing to submit. The hold had been applied for over a minute until it appeared that Mulu had lost consciousness. Referee Lloyd Morgan raised Mulu’s arm three times, during those three attempts Mulu failed to respond. Morgan called for the bell and awarded the match to Tui and Davis.
Winners: Sam Davis & Mark Tui
The match was over, but Tui held onto the hold until Morgan physically got Tui to disengage. Tui and Davis headed away celebrating while Tony Kozina and the young lions tended to Mulu. The crowd looked on in concern, but the mood was shortly lifted as Mulu awoke and was helped to his feet and acknowledged by the crowd’s applause.
Interview with Stacey McInnes:
Tony Kozina introduced Stacey McInnes, the first female young lion at Fale Dojo. Kozina explained that despite being part of the last three intakes, McInnes had yet to have a match. Kozina assured McInnes that her day in the ring would come before she knew it. McInnes, not happy with Kozina kicked the Head Trainer in the stomach and dropped him with a DDT. McInnes then walked out of the ring while the audience cheered her on.
Six-Man Elimination Match (Tag Rules Apply)
Richard Mulu vs. Jordan Allan-Wright vs. Sam Davis vs. Arthur Papali’i vs. Patrick Schischka vs. Oskar Münchow:
Münchow and Wright briefly resumed their rivalry after Münchow pushed Wright into the corner. Wright tagged in Mulu who happened to be standing nearby. The two big men circle, then Münchow charged at Mulu who was waiting with a kick to the gut. Mulu unleashed clubbing forearms across Münchow’s spine. Münchow fell back on the ropes which allowed him to thrust forward to hit back at Mulu. Mulu swung Münchow against the ropes, but rather than bouncing back off, the young German held on and tagged Wright back into the ring. Wright stood up to Mulu and threw some intense forearm shots, but the strikes annoyed Mulu more than they hurt him. Mulu responded by connecting with a forearm shot that immediately dropped Wright to the mat. Mulu picked up Wright and delivered a running power slam. The referee counted to three.
Wright, Eliminated
Münchow rushed back in while Mulu moved off Wright. Münchow lay into Mulu with a series of clubbing blows that kept Mulu on the mat. Münchow ran against the ropes and crashed down onto Mulu with a Legdrop. Münchow went for a pinfall attempt, but the count was broken at two. Münchow resumed his assault on Mulu while choking him on the middle rope. Referee Morgan administered the five-count warning, but Münchow wouldn’t release the hold resulting in Münchow being disqualified.
Münchow, Eliminated
Davis, seizing the opportunity, ran into the ring and tried to get a pinfall on Mulu, but he failed to do so. Davis then tagged out to Schischka who stomped on Mulu while he was still lying on the mat. Schischka attempted to tag in Papali’i to help out with the campaign to eliminate Mulu, but Papali’i wanted no part of it. Papali’i eventually accepted Schischka’s tag. Papali’i hit Mulu with a double axe handle, then he swung Mulu against the ropes. Mulu reversed the momentum and clotheslined Papali’i. Mulu stomped repeatedly on Papali’i while he was in the corner. Papali’i resorted to eye-gouging to weaken the mighty Mulu. Referee Morgan warned Papali’i that eye-gouging was illegal, however, Papali’i tried to justify his actions when he said that the move saved his life. Papali’i unleashed a succession of chops on Mulu’s chest as Mulu leaned against the corner turnbuckle. Papali’i took a few steps back before attempting a stinger splash into the corner. As Papali’i’s feet left the mat, Mulu caught him in mid-air and came crashing down on the mat with a high-angle falling power slam. Lloyd Morgan made the three count, this took Papali’i out of the match.
Papali’i, Eliminated
Neither Davis nor Schischka was willing to get in the ring, so Lloyd Morgan ordered Davis to step in. Mulu charged at Davis, but Davis dodged behind Mulu and rolled him into a schoolboy pinfall. Mulu kicked out which gave Davis the opportunity to tag in Schischka. Schischka and Davis attempt a double suplex on Mulu, trying to lift him on two occasions. However, their efforts were blocked by Mulu who ended up suplexing both lions at the same time!! The crowd erupted in excitement. Unfortunately for Mulu and the audience, when Schischka and Davis regained their bearings, Schischka rushed up behind Mulu and rolled him into a schoolboy roll-up the pin and gained the three count.
Mulu, Eliminated
Schischka took advantage of the young and gullible Davis, by pitching the idea that they both win the match. Schischka extended his hand for a handshake. Davis seemed hesitant at first, like a little brother to his older sibling, but Schischka was adamant that they would share the victory, so Davis reached out to accept Schischka’s handshake. But when their hands locked, Schischka pulled Davis into a small package pinfall. Referee Morgan counted to three, giving Schischka the win and leaving Davis the victim of a scam.
Winner: Patrick Schischka
Patrick Schischka was jubilant in his win so much that he had to be reminded by the ring announcer that he still had to compete in one more match.
Silver Young Lion Showcase Main Event
Michael Richards & Andrew Villalobos (Sydney, Australia) vs Patrick Schischka & Liam Fury (Taupo, NZ):
The Fale Dojo Exhibition #4 main event featured four silver young lion graduates from Fale Dojo and NJPW Dojo as Michael Richards and Andrew Villalobos from the Fale Dojo June 2018 intake competed against the February intake’s Patrick Schischka and Liam Fury in a tag team match. Recently, the four graduates have been lending their experience helping to train the September intake.
It was noted on social media a week prior to the Exhibition event that Andrew Villalobos suffered a broken finger during training. However, this didn’t stop the fearless lion from competing.
Richards and Fury began the match. Richards demanded Fury’s best with a slap across the face. “Come on Liam! Come on!” Richards screamed. Fury retaliated by kicking Richards and connecting with some intense forearm strikes. Richards threw his own forearm strikes. But Fury hit back harder with forearm smashes to the face and clubbing blows across Richards’ back. Richards wasn’t about to back down, he struck back with more forearm blows before taking Fury over to his corner where he tagged in Villalobos.
Villalobos, careful of his injured hand was limited with his offence at first, kicking Fury and executing a chop, before tagging Richards back into the ring. Richards took Fury to task with some mat wrestling as he rag-dolled Fury with a side headlock take over and executed a fireman carry take over. Fury retreated back into his corner and tagged out to Schischka, while Richards tagged Villalobos back into action.
The two silver lions locked up, and Schischka grabbed Villalobos into a standing headlock that evolved into a takeover and pinfall attempt. Villalobos gained control by applying a scissors lock, though Schischka broke his fellow lion’s momentum with a kick to the gut and reapplied the headlock. Villalobos physically shooed Schischka off against the rope, but as Villalobos lay on his stomach expecting Schischka to skip over his body, Schischka maliciously stomped on Villalobos’ injured hand.
Schischka and Liam went to work on Villalobos’ injury as they frequently tagged in and out. Schischka used his exceptional forte in amateur wrestling to disassemble Villalobos’ hand with submission holds while Liam Fury executed his immaculate striking ability. Schischka and Fury worked like two master surgeons with the different ways they dissected Villalobos’ hand. Michael Richards did his best to remain calm and not let his emotions dictate his actions. Villalobos made attempts to fight back, but Schischka and Fury were extremely possessive of their prey. Schischka applied a sleeper hold in what could’ve arguably been an act of mercy, however, Villalobos countered the hold with a jawbreaker.
Villalobos found his way back to his corner where Richards awaited his turn. Schischka had crawled back to his territory, and both he and Villalobos tagged in their partners. Richards stormed the ring and delivered a heavy dose of chops to Fury. Fury returned with his own strikes, he ran against the ropes only for Richards to strike him down with a decapitating clothesline. Schischka entered the ring hoping to break his opponent’s momentum only to be thrown to the outside before Richards tagged Villalobos back in. While Richards dealt with Schischka outside the ring, Villalobos applied an elevated single-leg Boston crab on Fury in the centre. With Schischka being unable to interfere, Fury laid helplessly in pain which led to him tapping out. Richards and Villalobos picked up the victory.
Winners: Michael Richards and Andrew Villalobos
Andrew Villalobos had the honour of speaking on behalf of the lions. He shared openly about his injury that resulted in surgery and was advised by doctors not to wrestle. Villalobos said that he didn’t come all the way from Sydney to sit on the side-line.
“I broke my finger two weeks ago,” said the silver lion from Sydney, Australia. “I had to have surgery, and the doctors said that I shouldn’t wrestle.”
“But I didn’t come all the way from Sydney to sit on the sidelines,” he continued. “I wanted to be a part of tonight and be part of Fale Dojo.”
“Everyone that trains here has a story and had made sacrifices,” Villalobos explained with passion. “We’re all here for one reason, we just want to be pro wrestlers and chase our dream!”
Villalobos thanked the crowd for attending Fale Dojo Exhibition #4, and as a gesture of gratitude, the young lions closed the evening with the traditional Japanese sending.
The next Fale Dojo Exbhition event will be held on the 7th of December at the Fale Dojo.